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Sydney Uses IoT to Monitor Pollution Level


July 20, 2016

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Sydney Uses IoT to Monitor Pollution Level

Sydney, Australia, is now officially smart.

Sydney officials have implemented a citywide infrastructure based on a smart sensor network project in Amsterdam called “The Things Network.” Using solar energy, the network allows users to connect any device to the internet for free without wireless technology.

“The Things Network” has inspired projects in cities like New York, London, San Paolo, Madrid, and San Francisco.

The project is a joint effort by startup Meshed, Internet of Things Integrator for the connected world, and the University of Technology Sydney. According to Business Insider Australia, “it”s designed to support low power (battery/solar), long range (up to a 5km radius) smart sensor devices and will allow anyone within range to connect their device to the internet for free, without needing cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or other wireless technologies.”

LoRaWan technology has already been deployed in other countries including South Korea and Japan. The sensor devices can monitor temperature, humidity or lighting, among others, but will be used in Sydney to help make it greener by measuring carbon dioxide, noise and pollution, Andrew Maggio, Meshed”s founder, told Business Insider Australia. The full video is available here.

“The opportunity for UTS to work with Meshed and the IoT Alliance to enable connectivity for an Internet of Things innovation platform for developers, entrepreneurs and businesses was too good to miss,” said UTS Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Glenn Wightwick. “UTS involvement commenced with extensive discussions between ISF and Faculty of Engineering and IT research staff and Meshed colleagues. The outcomes benefit not only local business, but also students and researchers installing, receiving feedback and publishing data from low cost sensors to support smart city, precinct and campus applications.”

The Internet of Things Alliance Australia (IoTAA) is a non-profit organization which joins the forces of over 200 experts and 100 leading companies and represents over 60,000 businesses and institutions in Australia. Launched by the federal Shadow Minister for Communications, Jason Clare, it encourages further IoT development in Australia. Clare warned that although IoT offers a multitude of benefits and opportunities across industries and segments, it also raises a number of security risks.




After having addressed topics such as NFC, startups, and tech innovation, she has now shifted focus to internet security, with a keen interest in smart homes and IoT threats.

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